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The dbList class unmystified

by Wil van Antwerpen


This white paper is about the inner workings of the dbList class. Understanding what happens when you press a button that invokes a lookup can help in customizing this class. An online version of the paper is also available.
Size: 127 KB Download
Date Created: 04/07/2000
Date Updated: 04/07/2000
Author: Wil van Antwerpen
Company: Antwise Solutions

The dbList Class unmystified

By Wil van Antwerpen
The meaning of this document is to provide you some extra information about how to use the dbList class in addition to what is currently available in the online help file. We advise you to first read the dbList class topic in the helpfile.
The helpfile shows you a somewhat simplified image of the class structure in the help. It tells you that it is based like this:
When you investigate the packages folder, you will see a slightly different picture.

dbList Class Inheritance (7000 bytes)

This does not directly help us in gaining a clearer picture of the dbList class. It does tell us however that the DAC presentation of the classes are easier to understand as the actual real thing. Having this total view of the classes inheritance is a must have as soon as you start investigating the package files.
The next thing that we have a look at is the object structure of a dbList object instance. Every dbList object will have the following child-objects; records, element, selected_items, colck_box, statushelp_array and sbar. All of these child-objects are arrays and give some extra column or row-based settings.

dbList Object

  • Element object -> prototype object
  • Record object -> recordnumbers (with the default: batch_state = false)
  • Selected_items object -> selected recordnumber (batch_state = false)

A problem with customizing a lookuplist is very often that there's no overview of when to take action. The thing to do in that case is to start up the debugger and run a trace from the point of interest. What we have done for you is running a few standard traces from the customer lookuplist in the order entry example. From the tracelist we took the most interesting messages and put these here down below. We divided this into three traces. The first during popup, the second when scrolling thru the list (page down on bottom row) and a third one when selecting a record by clicking on the Ok-button in the list.
Simple popup trace
Send activating
  Send Seed_List
    Send Read_Next_Record
Send Initialize List
  Send Read_Next_Record for every row
Send activate
  Send Entering
  Send OnSetFocus
  Send OnSetFocus

Simple scroll trace
Send Down_Row
  Send Add_Row
    Set Current_Item
      Send Item_Change
        Get Row_Changing
          Get Fill_Next_Row
            Send Read_By_Recnum
            Send Read_Next_Record
            Send Display_Row
          Send Trim_Page
            Send Delete_Row
          Send Display_Other_Ui
            Send Display_Ui
              Send Request_Assign To hoServer

Simple select trace
Send Onclick To oOk_bn
  Send Ok To hoSellist
    Send Move_Value_Out
      Get First_Selected_Item
      Get Current_Record
      Send Find_By_Recnum To hoServer
     Send Find_By_Recnum To (Server(hInvoking))
     Get Display_Buffer_Msg Of hoSellist
   Send Cancel_Scope To hoSellist
     Send Deactivate To hoSellist

Click here for a detailed trace

The Datadictionary connection

The dbList is a bit strange in comparison to the other database enabled controls.
In Visual DataFlex we are used to having a data-entry control displaying one record that is tied directly to the datadictionary. In fact you are encouraged to get the datadictionary values instead of the item value, just to make sure that you are using the same data as is in the file's buffer.

The datadictionaries settings `tell' the control how it should behave and what the business rules are.
The multiline classes such as the dbList and the dbGrid classes do have this same behaviour, but the technique used is slightly different.
During construction of the dbList object several internal objects are created.
One of them is the element object and is normally referenced as the prototype object.
The prototype object is created by the macro commands Begin_Row/End_Row. This object is used as some sort of template for the creation of the rows.

During activation the datadictionary rules are bound to the prototype object and this object functions as a model for the columns on every row.
It contains the data_file, data_field, options, masks and entering/exiting/validation messages of each field.
The prototype object is copied to a new row for each new record that needs to be displayed.
This way every new row is exactly the same for the entire column.

The record of the datadictionary is only connected to the current row.

All the other rows get their data-values directly from the recordbuffer and are masked with the values set in the column. For work on scrolling like dynamically coloring cells the entry_display message can be augmented to do the work for you. With this message you have to use the value of the recordbuffer.

selectionlist screenshot

The following properties have these value for the dbList object above:

Property values:
Displayable_rows: 9
Current_row: 5 (zero based = base_item/item_limit)
Current_col: 1 (zero based = current_item-base_item)
Current_item: 21 (zero based)
base_item: 20 (zero based)
item_count: 36 (zero based)
row_count: 9
item_limit: 4

note: during scrolling the row_count will be temporarily incremented by one until after the scroll.
This online version is still Work in Progress.
The complete story can be downloaded from the link below:
dblist classes unmystified