March 10, 2002
The new Fastview binary for VDF8 SP1 has been added to the Projects->VdfQuery->Fastview page.
Click Here to read about the details.
March 10, 2002
An updated version of the Business calculator is now available. New features are the use of pointeronly buttons (subclass included), an export button and clipboard functionality.
You can find this control in the packages section.
March 6, 2002
Updated the mailmerge example to VDF7/VDF8
February 13
Added a FAQ compiled by Stephen Hope to the project page of the hammer.
January 13
Fastview, a dbExplorer Freeware alternative, has been added into the member's area. If you want to download it, you will need to become a registered user (login page, click on the Sign Up link).
January 03, 2002
- Added a WebApp Web Admin ISAPI DLL in the software section.
December 14, 2001
- The Active Toolbar package is updated with a new version for VDF7 and higher.
- The dbReportView package is updated to solve an incompatibility issue with VDF8
December 11, 2001
The DDUG Newsletter of december is published in the presentations section.
December 11, 2001
A projectmanagement system written in VDF7 is added to the software section.
December 05, 2001
A new version of dbUpdateUtil is available. (See the software section for details)
December 03, 2001
DFSplash 1.1 published with complete SRC. It allows you to show a splashbitmap while your program is loading. (See the software section for details)
December 03
A tool to move or change a Visual Dataflex Workspace has been added to the software section.
November 03, 2001
Leon helped me really well with moving a part of the old website.
Because of this, it is almost time to change the site a bit so that it has a better categorization for you to look at ;-)
In presentations you can find the latest newsletter from the DDUG
October 22, 2001
CodeSpy 1.0 posted, which creates a Html documentation out of (V)DF sourcecode.
September 29-30, 2001
- A new version of dbUpdateUtil is posted
Moved some of the old content to the new site and removed some browser compatibility bugs from the webapp and asp pages.
September 26, 2001
Class CIpAddressTable posted, which gives you all available IP's on a PC.
September 25, 2001
The Hammer Build 19 posted. This fixes a compiler error for VDF7.
September 23, 2001
Site is back up again. Everything seems to work fine now, but time is up, so moving the contents of the old site will have to wait a bit.
People that want to put their contributions online are more then welcome.
Posted the sources of TheHammer Build 18, for details see the projects menu->The Hammer.
September 22, 2001
Official release of the new website. Started moving over the site and suddenly everything broke ;o(
September 17, 2001
Posted a full functional version of the site (release candidate)